This includes providing temporary shelter, food and water to victims of war and natural disaster such as floods and droughts.
CDO’s Water, Sanitation and hygiene programme is aimed at contributing to the achievement of the Sixth sustainable development goal which stating that every person should get access to clean and sufficient quantities of water and to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene that essential elements for ensuring sustainable community development.
CDO provides sustainable and integrated WASH services breaking the cycle of contamination caused by unhygienic latrines, contaminated water, and unsafe hygiene practices.
Community Development Organization (CDO) is aware the social and environmental challenges in the world, including climate change, limited unawareness and resource scarcity, and acknowledges the need to be addressed. CDO is committed to partner with the local communities, governmental and non-governmental agencies and other necessary stakeholders to mobilize resources to address the environmental challenges.
Climate change has been identified as one of the emerging challenges facing the world in this century and in particularly Somalia.
Somalia is vulnerable to climate change due to the lack of awareness and limited capacity and resources to respond to the climate change.
Community Development Organization seeks to build a society that is very conscious to the negative impact of climate change and come up with the initiatives to protect and change the way the community relate to nature and to each other.
CDO protection program follows a multi-sector response approach aimed at ensuring that vulnerable groups such children, women, people with disabilities, survivors of gender-based violence, the elderly, minority, people living with AIDS and internally displaced persons get the psychosocial support services they need. In addition to psychosocial support services, we ensure that vulnerable groups access safe food assistance, health, nutrition and water as well as access to livelihood opportunities without any discrimination or exposure to new threats.
The health and nutrition program is tailored towards addressing urgent nutrition and health support for the acutely malnourished. Stressed populations remain highly vulnerable to shocks and require interventions not aimed at protecting their livelihoods and building their resilience but also addressing health and nutrition needs of the population.
CDO Social Education program responses the Education in multi-sectoral approaches as the following:
1. Formal Education:– Our education programs include providing learning materials such as desks and stationery to schools, supporting the feeding program of students from economic vulnerable households and providing sanitary pads to girl child.
2. Civic Education:- The Community development organisation offers Trainings and workshops about the educating citizens for their roles and responsibilities within democratic state and exercise their constitutional rights and obligations of citizens in the society.
3. Technical and Vocational Education training(TVET):- CDO offers Vocational skill Trainings to create employment opportunities by building the capacity of unemployed youth and women groups by providing technical skills and grants which enables them generate income for their families.
CDO protection program follows a multi-sector response approach aimed at ensuring that vulnerable groups such children, women, people with disabilities, survivors of gender-based violence the elderly, minority, people living with AIDS and internally displaced persons get the psychosocial support services they need.
CDO works on a wide range of social development issues including, the governance, rule of law, livelihoods, advocacy programs, disaster reduction, peace buildings, Conflict resolutions, economic recovery, community resilience and women’s empowerments:
1. Governance and leadership:- Cdo provides Trainings on good governance and leaderships which is the centre of rebuilding the big nation. As the good governance and leadership is the foundation of every successful democracy, the expected result of our training is the leadership based on ideas, vision, values and ethics and Improved Capacity of the society and thier influence in development processes in Somalia. The Cdo main aims of governance and leadership Trainings is to ensure the inclusion of women and youth participation.
2. Social reconciliation:- cdo provides practical reconciliation support to help people affected by the prolonged civil war or violent conflict. To restore confidence, trust and achieve lasting peace, we take the following steps as our per experience of conflict resolution: Firstly; we analyse the nature of the conflict. Secondly; we facilitate the dialogue between the groups affected by the conflict. Thirdly; we build the resilience by the local people with skills needed for peace building. That’s the way we build trust across the lines of conflict and social divisions.
3. Community awareness:-Cdo offers interactive Programs that providing the citizens with the basic tools needed for peace building and creates responsible society that always reject the violence against women and children, effects of ethnicity and racism, prevention of youth radicalization and extremism.
4. Civic/community engagement:-CDO provides civic outreach Workshops which aims to promote peace, togetherness and solve the issues of power sharing and clan dominance from district level upto the National level and creating the ownership, good governance and leadership practices.
Agriculture infrastructure and livestock:-
We encourage and promote the revival of local economy through building infrastructures that supports local farmers and pastoralists.
Street Children Programmes
CDO supports the empowering of street children. Our interventions are integrated to confront challenges faced by street challenges in Galmudug State of Somalia. Our programs for street children includes
Protection: We support the safety and wellbeing of street children.
Education: we support access to schooling and resume of their education.
Economic empowerment: we provide economic support to improve the capacity of their caretakers to cater the needs of the streets children